Archived Post

This post is an archive from my Facebook account. I deleted my Facebook account in 2018 and have archived all the direct posts to my own timeline here. You can view the full archive here.

Important historical note: The senate was designed to be insulated from the mob in three ways:

  1. Senators were appointed by state legislatures rather than elected. (This was later changed by the 17th amendment in 1914)

  2. Senators represented whole states, not constituencies, and are not proportionally elected.

  3. Senators serve for 6 years, the longest term of any non-judicial federal office.

Note that a 60 vote super-majority was not on that list because that concept didn’t exist in any real form until 1837, and not in its current form until 1975.

Any article, pundit, or analyst who claims the filibuster was part of the grand vision of the founders is confused. It was not. Maybe it was a good idea. Maybe we should keep it. But “The founders designed it that way” is an invalid argument by a confused proponent.