Archived Post

This post is an archive from my Facebook account. I deleted my Facebook account in 2018 and have archived all the direct posts to my own timeline here. You can view the full archive here.

I want to tell a story about how much I love Sophia’s classmates.

Sophia’s math teacher declared Friday, the last day of class before finals week, a fun day and told the kids they could do whatever they wanted during his period. (In my day that would definitely have meant “put on a movie and talk in the back of the room the whole time.”)

Two of the students, Julian and Elizabeth, recruited the others to plan something they called the “Winkler Awards” in honor of and to the surprise of the teacher, Mr. Winkler. They ran a whole parody award show where every category (12 in all) was linked to something special about their teacher. One student was the emcee, some gave out awards, and some did mock commercials between awards for things like a box of cereal and a muffin from the vending machine.

In each category, the nominees were their teacher, Mr. Winkler, and some relevant celebrity, and each time (surprise!) Mr. Winkler won.

Sophia says the mastermind/emcee and his “assistant” had four wardrobe changes throughout this production and all the students in the class were involved in presenting, writing, bringing props, etc… (Except Sophia, alas, who was absent when they planned this on Thursday).

What a crazy, creative, motivated bunch of beautiful art/theater geeks they are. đŸ’—