Archived Post

This post is an archive from my Facebook account. I deleted my Facebook account in 2018 and have archived all the direct posts to my own timeline here. You can view the full archive here.

I think my cost minimizing efforts have effected a change in policy at the laundromat today.

When our washer broke we came to the laundromat in a pinch to get the laundry done and immediately fell in love with the efficiency of it. Since we decided to keep coming, we asked how it all worked and find out about two specials:

1: you can pay $40 cash for a $50 card, saving 20%

2: Certain machines are half price at certain times. In particular, the handy-for-a-family-of-four 4-load washers are half price on Wednesday mornings.

So I started buying $50 cards and doing laundry Wednesday mornings for a savings of 60% give or take.

Today an employee met me at the door and told me the half price deal on 4-load washers has been cancelled. Now the 6- and 8-load units are on sale. She was definitely watching for me.

C’est la vie. Now I have to manage my load sizes a little more carefully. Laundry just got 50% more expensive.

Jokes on you today, though. I brought tons of towels, sheets, and blankets which would have gone in the 6-loader anyway.