Archived Post

This post is an archive from my Facebook account. I deleted my Facebook account in 2018 and have archived all the direct posts to my own timeline here. You can view the full archive here.


My wife is running in the St. Jude half marathon fundraiser next month. She is $200 short of her fundraising goal and would appreciate donations of any amount. Donations are due by Friday.


For those who don’t know, St. Jude provides life-saving medical care to children regardless of ability to pay, and they are able to provide this service through charitable contributions from ordinary people like us.

Our friend lost her daughter to cancer last year, but there are still thousands of families fighting this harrowing battle with the help of St. Jude. And St. Jude needs your help today.

Click the link below to make a donation on line in any amount. It’s fast and easy.
