Archived Post

This post is an archive from my Facebook account. I deleted my Facebook account in 2018 and have archived all the direct posts to my own timeline here. You can view the full archive here.

First very good question in this hearing:

Congressman Cicilline: “Do you agree that the authority to authorize this comes from Congress?”

FBI Director Comey: “…No…”

This gets to the heart of the case because:

  1. Comey has been saying all throughout the hearing that it is important that Congress and the American People make the decision around this issue.

  2. Apple has been arguing all along that what they’re being asked to do should be authorized by congress and not unilaterally compelled by the courts.

  3. Yet the FBI has presumed the authority by way of the courts without explicit legislation authorizing it.

Tough question for which Comey had no satisfactory answer.